Archive: Live Blog – Page №50
Sultanov siirtyi isoon johtoon September 17, 2023
Event 1: Sultanov avasi, Fraczek reissasi 1100K total, maksu. Floppi K J 4 Fraczek löi 700K, maksu. Turn 7 Fraczek meni all in, maksu all in. Fraczek A Q Sultanov…
€555 – Viacheslav wins the €555 WSOPC Tallinn Ring Event! September 17, 2023
Viacheslav Sultanov goes all in with A 5 and Lukas Fraczek, with his short stack, calls with Q 4 . The board runs out A 5 K 8 6 .…
€555 – Viacheslav Sultanov takes over the chiplead September 17, 2023
Viacheslav raises to 300k (Blinds 75k/150k) from the button with K J . His Heads Up-opponent Lukasz Fraczek 3-bets to 1,2M with A Q . Viacheslav makes the call. The…
Larsenin pelit päättyivät September 17, 2023
Event 1: Torbjörn Larsen oli jäänyt selvästi kolmikon pienimmäksi pinoksi, ja meni all in, Pawel Fraczek maksoi. Torbjörn A 10 Pawel 8 7 Floppi J J 6 Turn 7 River…
Sunnuntaina syntynytkään ei aina voita September 17, 2023
Event 2: Aki Pyysing avasi 65K, Aleksei Smirnov meni all in 450K, maksu. Aki A K Aleksei 7 7 Floppi 9 6 7 Turn 9 River A ja Smirnov tuplasi…
€555 – Larsen out in third place September 17, 2023
Torbjörn Larsen shoves his small stack from the Small Blind with A 10 . Lucasz Fraczek is priced in for the call with 7 8 from the Big Blind. With…
€1 100 – Chip count on the five remaining players September 17, 2023
PlayerChip stack Aki Pyysing1 280 500 Joshua Stewart920 000 Santtu Leinonen521 000 Aleksei Smirnov390 000Steponas Venckus155 000
Steponas törmäsi seiskoihin September 17, 2023
Event 2: Aki Pyysing avasi, Steponas Venckus meni all in, maksu. Akin 7 7 pysyi koko matkan Steponasin A 2 käden edellä. Steponas tienasi 7.400€. Neljä pelaajaa jäljellä Event 2:n…
Event 2: Chip count September 17, 2023
Aki Pyysing 1285K Joshua Stewart 920K Santtu Leinonen 520K Aleksei Smirnov 390K Steponas Venckus 155K
€555 – Lundström out in 4th September 17, 2023
A short while before the previously reported hand, we lost Rasmus Lundström in 4th place in the €555 Event. Rasmus went all in with his remaining 1.4M from the small…
Ei voittoa Rasmukselle September 17, 2023
Event 1: Suomalaisten voitontoiveet haihtuivat savuna ilmaan, kun myös Rasmus Lundström joutui poistumaan pöydästä. Ensin Rasmuksen K Q ei pärjännyt Pawel Fraczekin Q Q kädelle, ja puolalainen siirtyi johtoon. Loput…
€555 – Sultanov’s tens are best September 17, 2023
Viacheslav Sultanov finds 10 10 on the button and raises to 250k (Blinds 50k/125k). Lucasz Fraczek defends 9 8 from the Big Blind. The flop comes 6 9 3 .…
Sorsilla ei aina voita September 17, 2023
Event 1: Georgios Skarparis ja Vjatseslav Sultanov menivät all in ennen floppia. Georgios 2 2 Vjatseslav A 5 Floppi K J 10 Turn 9 River Q ja Vjatseslavin ässä teki…
€555 – Fraczek doubles up; becomes huge chip leader! September 17, 2023
Rasmus Lundström opens up K Q . Lucasz Fraczek shoves Q Q from the Big Blind and Rasmus finds the call. The board treats us with Q J 5 4…
€555 – Skarparis busts September 17, 2023
Georgios Skarparis shoves with the 2 2 and Viacheslav Sultanov finds the call with A 5 from the Big Blind. The board runs out J 10 K 9 Q giving…
€555 – Larsen dances with Lundström September 17, 2023
Torbjörn Larsen opens A K on the button and Rasmus Lundström defens K Q from the big blind. The flop comes 2 5 J . Rasmus checks and Torbjörn bets…