Archive: Live Blog – Page №46
€350 – Evely is out in 9th September 18, 2023
Evely Pihela is the first player to bust from the final table. She moves All In from UTG with roughly 250k (blinds 25k/50k) holding K 5 . Joshua Stewart calls…
€350 – Almost a Royal Straight Flush! September 18, 2023
Viljus Zabarauskas moves all in from the Cut-Off with K 10 and gets called by Dominik Ostrowski in the Big Blind who holds A 9 . Viljus wasn’t far from…
315€+35€ finalistit September 18, 2023
315€+35€ NLH Finaalipöytä: Igor Pihela sr 1110KJosh Stewart 1065KEvely Pihela 475KKaur Ajamaa 1005KVilius Zabarauskas 435KTanel Merida 875KMichele Tocci 1400KDominik Ostrowski 865KNils Kollandsrud 410K Tämän kisan pariin päästään streamissa heti kun…
Kimmon merkit Petterin pinoon September 18, 2023
Kimmo Kurkon pelit Deuce to Sevenissä päättyivät. Blindien välisessä Petteri limppasi, Kimmo sökötti. Petteri aloitti 632, Kimmo 754. Vaihdon jälkeen Petterillä 8632, Kimmolla 7542, Petteri löi 22K, maksu. Toisessa vaihdossa…
€555 Deuce to Seven – Kimmo Kurko is out September 18, 2023
Kimmo Kurko leaves the event in 4th place, as he lost to fellow Finn Petteri Kalenius. Petteri stand pat before the last draw with 8 7 6 3 2 .…
€350 – Final Table draw and chip count September 18, 2023
SeatPlayerChips1. Igor Pihela Sr.1 110 0002. Joshua Stewart1 065 0003. Evely Pihela475 0004. Kaur Ajamaa1 005 0005. Vilius Zabarauskas435 0006. Tanel Merida875 0007. Michele Tocci1 400 0008.Dominik Ostrowski865 0009. Nils…
€350 – We have a final table! September 18, 2023
With Martin Piik busting out in 10th, we have nine players left and a final table. We will return with the new seat draw as soon as possible.
315€+35€ finaali pelataan ilman suomalaisia September 18, 2023
Juho Härkösen pelit 315€+35€ NLH-turnauksessa päättyivät, kuinkas muuten kuin Igor Pihelaa vastaan. Juho meni all in 65K UTG, Igor maksoi. Juho A 6 Igor J 7 Floppi K 7 2h]…
€350 – Juho Härkönen takes farewell September 18, 2023
The €350 Ring Event will not see a Finnish player taking the title, as the nation’s lasst hope Juho Härkönen busted out in 10th. 10 players are left.
€350 – Final table payouts September 18, 2023
Even though there’s still 11 players left in the €350 Ring Event, let’s take a look at what the top 9 players will fight for: PlacePayout (€)1.24 1502.14 9003.10 1004.7…
€555 Deuce to Seven – Juho Heiska take farewell in 5th place September 18, 2023
Juho Heiska has busted the €555 Deuce to Seven WSOPC Ring Event in 5th place. Juho Heiska.
€350 – Nils Kollandsrud doubles up September 18, 2023
It’s up to Nils Kollandsrud, if the €350 WSOPC Ring will see a Norwegian owner. He doubled up his short stack just before the break with K Q against Q…
Juhon merkit Arutjunoville September 18, 2023
Juho Heiska meni all in, Aleksandr Arutjunov maksoi. Vetojen jälkeen Juho sai kasaan 98743, mutta Aleksandr sai viimeisellä 87532, joten Juhon pelit päättyivät hetki tauon jälkeen. Juho tienasi 1.850€.
315€+35€ NLH; suomalaisilla vaikeaa September 18, 2023
315€+35€ Finaalipäivä sujuu meikäläisiltä mollivoittoisesti. 11 pelaajaa on nyt jäljellä, ja Juho Härkönen on ainoana meikäläisenä mukana. “On mulla kaksi isoa blindiä”, kertoi Juho toimitukselle.
Pikku tauko, chip count September 18, 2023
15 minuutin tauko. Chip count: Martin Lategui 490K Aleksandr Arutjunov 299K Petteri Kalenius 199K Kimmo Kurko 109K Juho Heiska 29K
€350 – Lots of action at table 24 September 18, 2023
We visit one of the two remaining tables in the €350, when Topi Palenius moves all in from UTG with 90k. Chipleader Kaur Ajamaa calls from UTG+1, before Jonas Ruginis…