Archive: Live Blog – Page №37
€1 100 PLO 4&5 – Dinner break September 20, 2023
The €1 100 PLO 4&5 players are now on a one hour dinner break. 46 players are still in, and it’s possible to register for the tournament during the break.…
PLO4/5 Stream alkaa tauon jälkeen September 20, 2023
1000€+100€ PLO4/5 lähtee 15 minuutin päästä 60 minuutin illallistauolle. Tauon jälkeen aloitetaan turnauksen Live Stream. Kun viive otetaan huomioon, alkaa kuvaa näkymään noin klo 19.30. Linkki streamiin: WSOPC Tallinn 2023…
Vieläkö ehtii ostaa lisää merkkejä? September 20, 2023
PLO4/5-turnauksessa alkaa tulla totiset paikat. Pelataan tasoa 10, joka on viimeinen re-entrytaso. Pelaajia on 52/127 ja voi todeta, että aika moni on joutunut hakemaan kassalta uutta vauhtia. Mutta kohta siis…
€1 500 Main Event – Blind VS Blind, Straight VS Straight September 20, 2023
We arrive to table 2 which helds to board 5 6 J 9 10 . Tarmi Roope bets out and gets snaped call by David Spysschaert. Tarmi has a straight…
€1 500 Main Event – A classic flip September 20, 2023
Tomi Räsänen min-raises to 2k from UTG+1 over at table 7. Ronny Albrigsten re-raises to 8,5 from the Cut-Off. Tomi decides to go All In and Ronny snap calls! Tomi:…
Lisää Main Eventin kuvia September 20, 2023
Julius Tiihonen. Kyösti Isberg.
Main Event 1B, kuvasatoa September 20, 2023
Atte Franssila. Samuli Hietala. Johan Alen. Henri Väisänen ja Julius Tiihonen seurannassa.
€1 500 Main Event – Victor Prior survives September 20, 2023
When we arrive to table 6, Victor Prior is all in with A 10 . He’s up against A Q but the board 10 K 3 9 K favours him…
€1 500 Main Event – Albert Ostrovskij is back on start stack September 20, 2023
Minutes before the dinner break is over, we manage to have a little chat with Lithuanias Albert Ostrovskij. He was down to 30k has fought his way back to start…
€1 100 PLO 4&5 – We will follow the conclusion September 20, 2023
58 players remaining in the PLO 4&5! We will continue to update from the event from time to time, but when we are down to the final two tables (and…
Pääturnauksessa rauhallista September 20, 2023
Pääturnauksen erässä 1B on 78/102 pelaajaa juuri nyt, kun kuusi tasoa on pelattu. Tämä osanottajamäärä erään 1B on kyllä hienoinen pettymys, odotimme että tähän erään tulisi yhteensä jopa 200 pelaajaa,…
€1 500 Main Event – Stefan Bittger looking to bring the ring to Germany September 20, 2023
The players in the Main Event are now going for a dinner break. We had a small chat with Germany’s Stefan Bittger who’s currently played a bit over average. What…
Suomalaisten chip count, PLO September 20, 2023
Suomalaiset: Joni Savolainen 20K Sami Suominen 16K Markus Svanberg 55K Teemu Toikkanen 35K Eemil Tuominen 33K Joel Ylismäki 90K Rasmus Ekström 77K Ville Hakala 17K Muhis Halafi 110K Mika Hällström…
€1 100 PLO 4&5 – 59 players are still in September 20, 2023
Out of the 95 registered players, 59 remain in the €1 100 PLO 4&5, however, the late registration is still open.
€1 500 Main Event – the current tournament status September 20, 2023
Right now, 96 players have registered for €1 500 Main Event flight 1B, 10 of them which have busted. The players just entered level 6 with blinds 400/800 and a…
€1 500 Main Event – Georgios Skarparis wins the pot September 20, 2023
We wisited table 5 where Semjons Karuckis raised to 1,3k from the Lo-Jack (blinds 300/600). From the Hi-Jack, Georgios Skarparis 3-bet to 2,7k. Semjons elected to call. Flop came 10…