Archive: Live Blog – Page №33
€1 500 Main Event – The players have returned! September 21, 2023
We see the players return back from the dinner break on blinds 200/400, with a Big Blind Ante of 500. Average stack is 52 473.
€1 500 Main Event – players are on break September 21, 2023
While the 168 flight 1C players are on a break, we circulate around the tables looking to identify the chip leader. We have two contendats: Andrius Bielskis and Christopher Berggren.…
€1 500 Main Event – 161 entries September 21, 2023
Only about 2 hours in, and flight 1C of the Main Event already have more entries than day 1A which had 139. The players keep on entering the 1C flight.
€1 500 Main Event – Big pot goes the way of Andrius Bielskis September 21, 2023
Renars Sakauskis raises to 800 UTG and gets two callers, one of them being Andrius Bielskis from the Cut-Off. Flop is 5 9 J . The player from the Small…
€1 500 Main Event – Straight on the river September 21, 2023
I am just in time for the conclusion of a hand over at table 11. Magnus Pukk bet 2,6k into the 3k pot on the 4 9 9 J 10…
Suomalaisten lista on pitkä September 21, 2023
Meikäläiset ovat myös toden teolla heränneet komean takuupotin olemassaoloon. Erässä 1C ovat tällä hetkellä mukana: Suomalaiset, erä 1C Tomi ArponenAntti EevaJani HaaralaCarl HalvarssonJuha HelppiTomi HietalaJoel HolmbergAnna-Mari HurstiOnni HuttunenJarno JokiniemiJP JuholaAntti…
€1 500 Main Event – Big pot at table 15 September 21, 2023
Maciej Komorowski opens up Under the Gun. He gets re-raised by UTG+1, Luca Beretta, who makes it 3k. Maciej calls. The action goes check-check on the 9 10 J flop.…
€1 500 Main Event – Dmitri Dukanov valuebets the river September 21, 2023
We arrive to table 19 on the board 7 K A 5 2 . Björne Lindberg is faced with a 10k bet from Dmitri Dukanov. Eventually he calls and Dmitri…
€1 500 Main Event – What a call by Henri Wagner! September 21, 2023
Cut-Off opens to 700 (blinds 100/300) and gets called by Henri Wagner from the button, the player in the Small Blind, as well as from Minho Cho from the Big…
Nyt näyttää paremmalta September 21, 2023
Riku Koivurinne on mukana pääturnauksessa. Pääturnauksen erä 1C on lähtenyt vauhdikkaasti käyntiin. Tällä hetkellä salissa on 128/130 pelaajaa. Tällaisen alun perusteella uskaltaa luvata, että tässä erässä 1C tehdään yli 200…
€1 500 – Björne Lindberg has arrived September 21, 2023
Sweden’s Björne Lindberg, who cashed in the two ring events he played this far, has taken his seat in the Main Event. Will Sweden see its first ring winner through…
€1 500 Main Event – Who will get the ring? September 21, 2023
Look at it, the magnificent WSOPC Tallinn Main Event Ring! Only one player will be crowned the champion on sunday and put the ring on.
€1 500 Main Event – Juhani, the legend September 21, 2023
Except for me, Christoffer “The Oyster” Karlén who is managing this live blog on, legendary finnish poker reporter Juhani Tyrisevä is managing the Finnish blog over at Starstrucked!
€1 500 Main Event – 1C already 107 entries! September 21, 2023
The initial 50+ entries have doubled during the first 25 minutes, seeing as 107 players now are in the tournament.
Main Event 1C ja 1D ohjelmassa tänään September 21, 2023
Huomenta! Tänään keskitytään viikon pääturnaukseen. Main Eventissä on 1.000.000€ takuupotti, ja varsin pitkälti tämän päivän tapahtumien perusteella ratkeaa jääkö turnauksessa overlayta vai ei. Päivän ohjelma: Klo 12.00 1350€+150€ Main Event…
€1 500 Main Event – Entries going up fast! September 21, 2023
In just ten minutes, about 20 more people registered for flight 1C of the Main Event. We’re now at 88 entries and counting. The only two Ring Events today are…