Archive: Live Blog – Page №30
€1 500 Main Event – Three-way all in! September 21, 2023
In the second to last hand of the day, we saw a three-way all in pre-flop over at table 12! It was between Jaime Cases Susarte Q Q , Mikko…
Merkkejä pussiin September 21, 2023
Erässä 1C on kello jo pysäytetty ja pelataan päivän viimeisiä jakoja. 120/260 pelaajaa juuri nyt. Chip count tulee hieman myöhemmin, ryhdytään jo katsomaan erää 1D.
€1 500 Main Event – Last four hands for 1C September 21, 2023
Four more hands will be played in flight 1C, then the remaning players will bag their chips. Of course, we will publish a chip count for the players advancing to…
Ja vielä kuvia erästä 1C September 21, 2023
Pyry Kekäläinen. Mathias Siljander. Santeri Piiroinen. Juuso Elsinen.
Kuvasatoa erästä 1C September 21, 2023
Timo Ruuska. Konsta Heikkilä. Matias Knaapinen. Max Avela.
€1 500 Main Event – SICK bluff! September 21, 2023
It seems like everytime we visited table 16, Pyry Kekäläinen and Anders Hansson have tangled with eachother. This time we see the board 5 10 A J 3 . Pyry…
€1 500 Main Event – No heart on the river September 21, 2023
We arrive to table 14 with 6 J 9 3 revealed. Hai Hoang checks, Lars Jonsson bets 7,5k. On the Button, Christoffer Overgaard Bering calls the bet, and then Hai…
Vielä muutama suomalainen September 21, 2023
Turnauksen pelaajista löytyi tiukalla kammalla etsittäessä vielä muutama meikäläinen: Juha Kaitanen 60K Tero Hakanen 22K Carl Halvarsson 40K Tomi Hietala 110K Justus Kursi 95K Eeti Löyttyniemi 96K Juha Nikkola 10K…
€1 500 Main Event – Flight 1D starting September 21, 2023
Look at that; the clock struck 19:00! This means two things: the last starting flight to the Main Event, 1D, is starting, and the 1C players move into the final…
€1 500 Main Event – Dominated? No problem! September 21, 2023
Juha Nikkola goes all in pre-flop UTG+1 and gets called by Pyry Kekäläinen from the Big Blind. Juha holds A 9 and Pyry has him dominated with A J .…
€1 500 Main Event – Straights all around! September 21, 2023
Over at table 18, Aleksei Gontsar check-raised Oskar Ojaveer’s 8k bet to 20k on the 9 2 8 J Q board. Oskar eventually calls. With Aleksei holding 10 Q and…
€1 500 Main Event – Quad alert! September 21, 2023
Deividas Butnoras raises to 4k from the Cut-Off and Juuso Elsinen defends from the Big Blind. We’re treated with the 9 9 8 flop and action goes check-check. Turn is…
€1 500 Main Event – 100 is the magic number September 21, 2023
155/255 currently in flight 1C, meaning 100 people have busted so far.
€1 500 Main Event – Anders Hansson finds the call September 21, 2023
On table 16, there is a battle on the J 8 5 flop between Anders Hansson and Viktors Kurovs. Viktor bets 10k on the flop which Anders calls. On the…
Kahdeksan tasoa takana September 21, 2023
Erän 1B tilanne alkaa rauhoittua. Nyt kun kahdeksan päivän kymmenestä tasosta on pelattu, mukana on 170/251 pelaajaa. Pidetään siis pieni tauko, ja jatketaan sitten vielä kaksi tasoa, peli päättyy hieman…
€1 500 Main Event – Last break of the day September 21, 2023
The players are on a 20 minute break. This is the last break before they will play the last two levels. Out of the 170 players that are in, Finland’s…