Archive: Live Blog – Page №2
Not Even a Sweat For Stewart November 4, 2023
After a middle-position open to 16k (2bb) and a late-position flat, Joshua Stewartjammed his 212k (27bb). The initial raiser re-jammed their 347k (44bb) and the late-position flatter folded. It was…
McAree Wins a Big One November 4, 2023
Niall McAreejust won a huge pot after an interesting hand versus David Docherty, and has now gone over 160k (32bb). After opening in MP and Docherty defends his BB, Docherty…
Ashby, Nitsche and Pihela Part of The Elimated November 4, 2023
We’ve seen some big names go out after the first break, including DTO Poker founder and high-stakes MTT end-boss Dominik Nitsche, who could not manouvre his short-stack past the last…
Dara Scoops The Dead Money November 4, 2023
Glenn Keoghopened 10k (2.5bb) from UTG, and saw a middle-position player flat. Dara O’Kearneyslid in his stack of 100k (25bb) and got two quick folds, scooping up the dead money…
Day 2 Resumes with 94 from 283 Battling For The Money November 4, 2023
Partypoker Live MILLIONS Irish Poker Festival November 4, 2023
Farrell, O’Kearney and Nitsche Lead The Names in Day 2 November 4, 2023
After wrapping up the final Day 1 flights, we saw some of the names getting their stack into Day 2 in various sizes. One of Ireland’s best, Dara “slowdoke” O’Kearney…
Miscikowski Gets 5-Bet, Windmilled a Ten November 4, 2023
David Miscikowskiopens to 3.5k (3bb) in the CO and faced a 3bet from Stephen Kavanaghin the BB to 15kk (9.3bb). Miscikowski then put out a 4-bet to 15k (25bb) before…
Miscikowski, Enselme, Proudfoot, Farrell and Nitsche All Vying For Day 2 Stacks November 4, 2023
There’s some big poker names still battling it out, including a couple of MTT crushers in both the online and live realms. One of the front-runners is David Miscikowski, who…
All-In Wilson Wins a Big One, Doubles Up November 3, 2023
Simon Wilson opened off a 36.5k (60bb), Nikolai Mamut went for a 3-bet to the tune of 4k (6.6bb) and Wilson responded with a 4-bet to 10.5k (17.5bb), Mamut called…
Proudfoot & Luo Go To War November 3, 2023
After an open by Mitchell Hynamand a flat by Yehong Luo, Jonathan “proudflop” Proudfootwent for the 3-bet, and found two calls. a flop of Q 10 4 saw Proudfoot c-bet,…
Day 1C Looks Very Promising! November 3, 2023
Welcome to Day 1C! We’re a few levels in and whilst the action has not yet got too intense on the felt, we’re seeing a ton of movement at the…
Martinelli Leads The Way into Day 2 November 3, 2023
After a run of nice spots and well-made plays, WSOPC ring holder Luke Martinelli leads a strong pack of players who took bags from Day 1B of the partypoker MILLIONS…
Molenaar Continues To Build November 3, 2023
Michael Molenaar is finding much more success on his Day 1B bullet, and has chipped up well past the 100k mark now. After opening to 3.2k (2bb) in the BU,…
Luke Runs Lucky, Goes Past 100K November 3, 2023
After hearing about seat 8 having a good spell of premiums, the action found them again just minutes later. At the 600/1200 level, Ami Barer opened to 2.5k (2bb) and…
Canela Gets Max with a Boat November 2, 2023
An interesting hand developed between two of the deeper stacks on Table 26. At the 500/1k/1k level, Bruno Desimonilimped off 67k (67bb) and Ferran Canelamade it 3.5k (3.5bb), Desimoni called.…