Archive: Live Blog – Page №17
€1 500 Main Event – Mairo Tori bites off Jun Chun September 24, 2023
Jun Chun raises to 250k from UTG with 10 10 . He gets called by Mairo Tori in the Cut-Off. Flop comes 2 4 4 . Jun bets 400k and…
€3 000 No Limit Hold ’em – Final table September 24, 2023
Alongside the final table of the Main Event, 6 players are battling it out in the €3 000 Texas NLH tournament for the first price €78 280: PlayerSuhonen, Elias L.…
€1 500 Main Event – Mairo Tori doubles up! September 24, 2023
Mairo Tori opens to 250k (blinds 50k/125k) UTG+2. From the small blind, chipleader Akseli Paalanen moves all in and quickly gets called by Mairo. Mairo holds K K and Akseli…
3000€: Roope edelleen vauhdissa September 24, 2023
Elias Suhonen avasi keskeltä, Roope Tarmi maksoi buttonista. Floppi K 10 10 Elias löi 45K, maksu. Turn J Roope löi 200K, pieni mietintä ja kippi. Roope nyt selkeässä johdossa, pinossa…
3000€: Roope vs Mauri September 24, 2023
Roope Tarmi avasi keskeltä, Mauri Dorbek maksoi vierestä. Floppi 10 5 2 Roope sökötti, Mauri löi 40K, maksu. Turn 3 Mauri löi 65K, Roope checkreissasi 250K total, pitkä mietintä ja…
3000€: Elias ostoksilla September 24, 2023
Riverissä pöydässä oli: 6 5 2 7 Q Elias Suhonen löi 75K, Mauri Dorbek miettimään, maksu. Elias K J Mauri 8 8 jolla potti.
3000€: Roope aloitti vahvasti September 24, 2023
Roope Tarmi avasi, Deividas Butnoras puolusti isoa. Floppi 3 3 3 Roope löi 25K, maksu. Turn J Roope löi 65K, maksu. River 2 Roope meni all in isommalla pinolla, pitkä…
Vähän myöhässä aloiteltiin September 24, 2023
Pääturnaus käynnistyi hetki sitten, Streamin alkamisaika on siis noin klo 12.45. 3000€ turnauksessa otetaan vielä valokuvia, se alkaa muutaman minuutin kuluttua. Kärsivällinen odotus siis palkitaan, tälläkin kertaa. Akseli, Elias, Tommi…
€1 500 Main Event – Meet Akseli Paalanen September 24, 2023
The only Finnish player left, Akseli Paalanen, enters the final table as the chiplead with his 10 650 000 stack, which converts to 100 big blinds. Akseli Paalanen.
€1 500 Main Event – Meet Jun Chun September 24, 2023
Jun Chun could be the player that the rest of the field fears. He is a very experienced player and also enters the field with the second biggest stack, 6…
Päivän Streamit September 24, 2023
Tänään tulee Live Streamia sekä pääturnauksesta että 3000€ turnauksesta. Linkki: WSOPC Tallinn 2023 | LIVE Stream – Olybet TV Ylemmässä ikkunassa siis pääturnaus ja alemmassa 3000€ turnaus. Pääturnauksessa näette hoolikortit,…
€1 500 Main Event – Meet Artur Külanurk September 24, 2023
Artur Külanurk is the one of the three Estonians with the biggest stack, 4 550 000 (46,5 big blinds). He has only cashed in live events in Tallinn. Artur Külanurk.
€1 500 Main Event – Meet Jesus Martinez September 24, 2023
Jesus Martinez biggest live cash this far is $4 480 and he enters the final table 4th most in chips, 3 450 000, which is 34,5 big blinds. Ucero Jesus…
€1 500 Main Event – Meet Emil Hovmark September 24, 2023
If the WSOPC Tallinn Main Event Ring will see a Swedish owner, it’s up to Emil Hovmark. This is by far the biggest achievement in Emil’s live poker career thus…
€1 500 Main Event – Meet Adria Comas September 24, 2023
Adrias Comas will play a stack of 2 275 000, roughly 23 big blinds, and is the most experienced player of the three Spaniards left on the final table. He…
€1 500 Main Event – Meet Ignacio Gonzalez September 24, 2023
The Spaniard, residented in Estonia, will take his seat with 2 200 000 chips, which is 22 big blinds. He has cashed in one live event prior to this, a…