Archive: Live Blog – Page №139
Cosenza Doubles with Trip Queens August 15, 2022
Level 29: 150K/300K (300K)Entries: 25/2,261 Vittori Londoni opened for 775,000 from the hijack before Christophe Cosenza three-bet jammed the button for 3,300,000. Londoni called and a race was on. Christophe…
Cure Flops a Full House to Oust Wendl August 15, 2022
Level 29: 150K/300K (300K)Entries: 25/2,261 Lubos Wendl opened from under the gun and was called by Clement Cure from the big blind. Cure check-called a jam by Wendl for more…
Reinbold Doubles from the Big Blind August 15, 2022
Level 29: 150K/300K (300K)Entris: 28/2,261 Witali Reinbold recently had his kings cracked by Lubos Wendl with queen-ten but just got his chips back in a blind vs. blind situation against…
Londoni Ousts “Jan” with a Full House August 15, 2022
Level 29: 150K/300KEntries: 28/2,261 Vittori Londoni opened for 650,000 from the button before “Jan” three-bet jammed for more than 15 big blinds from the big blind. Londoni quickly called and…
Final Day Begins August 15, 2022
Level 29: 150K/300K (300K)Entries: 29/2,261 The final day of the Main Event has just kicked off at King’s Resort with blinds at 150,000/300,000 along with a big blind ante of…
Who Will Win the PPC Czech Main Event? August 15, 2022
Welcome back to our coverage of the partypoker Championship (PPC) Czech €330 Main Event at King’s Resort. The tournament attracted a banner field of 2,261 entries to generate a whopping…
“Matze P” Leads the Final 29 Players in the partypoker Championship Czech Main Event August 15, 2022
A player by the nickname “Matze P” from Germany leads the final 29 players in the partypoker Championship (PPC) Czech €330 Main Event heading into the final day at King’s…
Day 2 Payouts August 15, 2022
PlacePlayerPrize30Kooresh Shafaatian€ 1,95031Radek Castka€ 1,95032Jacques Ohayon€ 1,95033Sebaciej Langroszuk€ 1,95034Pasquale Vinci€ 1,95035Heiko Gumtow€ 1,95036Damian Marcin Kucharski€ 1,65037lakyluk17€ 1,65038Vito Misuraca€ 1,65039Jiri Havlena€ 1,65040Musa Taspinar€ 1,65041big poppa€ 1,65042Shrek€ 1,65043Ferrari€ 1,65044Simone Somaschini€ 1,65045Ilija Savevski€…
Day 3 Seat Draw August 15, 2022
TableSeatPlayerCountryChipsBig Blinds371Maradona AbazItaly 1,550,000 5372Mr. SavuRomania 11,350,000 38373Johann GlanzAustria 4,500,000 15374Jakub KotasCzech Republic 8,800,000 29375Raul SavRomania 7,075,000 24376Matze PGermany 19,600,000 65377Binak SinanajBelgium 2,500,000 8378George SandfordUnited Kingdom 5,225,000 17381Sebastian LenzGermany 10,475,000 35382Arian KashiDenmark 17,525,000 58383Matej MichalekCzech Republic 4,475,000 15385Lukas KonecnySlovakia 3,450,000 12386Pavel StribrnyCzech Republic 7,275,000 24387Riccardo CampanaSwitzerland 4,950,000 17388MINIMorocco 9,000,000 30391Armand MuratogluFrance 6,900,000 23392Vittorio LondoniItaly 9,150,000 31393Majed AdelAfghanistan 6,550,000 22394JanGermany 4,400,000 15395Christophe CosenzaFrance 2,650,000 9396Ralf StamNetherlands 16,525,000 55397Amit ChazanIsrael 10,175,000 34401Clement CureFrance 3,900,000 13402Lubos WendlCzech Republic 2,125,000 7403Maximilian BauerGermany 6,850,000 23404Antonino…
End-of-Day 2 Chip Counts August 15, 2022
PlacePlayerChipsBig Blinds1Matze P 19,600,000 652Arian Kashi 17,525,000 583Ralf Stam 16,525,000 554David Vesely 15,800,000 535Mr. Savu 11,350,000 386Sebastian Lenz 10,475,000 357Amit Chazan 10,175,000 348Walter Van Camberg 9,575,000 329Vittorio Londoni 9,150,000 3110Mini 9,000,000 3011Jakub Kotas 8,800,000 2912Antonino Karman 8,550,000 2913Pavel Stribrny 7,275,000 2414Raul Sav 7,075,000 2415Armand Muratoglu 6,990,000 2316Maximilian Bauer 6,850,000 2317Majed Adel 6,550,000 2218George Sandford 5,225,000 1719Riccardo Campana 4,950,000 1720Witali Reinbold 4,550,000 1521Johann Glanz 4,500,000 1522Matej Michalek 4,475,000 1523Jan 4,400,000 1524Clement Cure 3,900,000 1325Lukas Konecny 3,450,000 1226Christophe Cosenza 2,650,000 927Binak Sinanaj 2,500,000 828Lubos Wendl 2,125,000 729Maradona Abaz 1,550,000 5
End of Day 2 August 15, 2022
Players are bagging chips for the end of Day 2. Stay tuned for the final chip counts, the final day seat draw, and a recap of Day 2 of the…
Rockets for Stam August 15, 2022
Level 28: 100,000/250,000 (250,000)Entries: 35/2,261 Ralf Stam is sitting on around 13 million in chips. We only caught the tail end of the hand, but he had aces that held…
“lakyluk17” Doubles Gumtaw August 15, 2022
Level 28: 100,000/250,000 (250,000)Entries: 37/2,261 Heiko Gumtaw jammed from the hijack for 1.3 million. The action folded around to a player with the nickname “lakyluk17” in the big blind. “lakyluk17″…
“Jan” Effectively Doubles with Seven-Four Off August 15, 2022
Level 28: 100,000/250,000 (250,000)Entries: 37/2,261 A player with the nickname “Jan” jammed for 2.3 million from the cutoff. Vito Misuraca tanked for a minute before he called for a couple…
Final Blind Level of Day 2 August 15, 2022
Level 28: 100,000/250,000 (250,000)Entries: 39/2,261 The final blind level of Day 2 kicked off with blinds at 100,000/250,000 along with a big blind ante of 250,000. It is possible, although…
Naegely Loses His Short Stack to Kotas August 15, 2022
Level 27: 100,000/200,000 (200,000)Entries: 41/2,261 David Naegely jammed for 1.3 million from the hijack and was called by Jakob Kotas from the big blind. David Naegely: A 5 Jakob Kotas:…