Archive: Live Blog – Page №131
Ikonen Doubles Through Loikkanen September 16, 2022
Level 12: 1,000/2,000 (2,000)Entries: 96/328 Pekka Ikonen three-bet jammed for 29,000 over the early position open by Arto Loikkanen. Loikkanen called with Ikonen at risk. Pekka Ikonen: 10 10 Arto…
Various Chip Counts September 16, 2022
PlayerChipsBig BlindsAleksi Naski300,000150Adam Kharman270,000135Vincas Tamasauskas265,000133Anatoly K244,000122Julius Kettunen240,000120Henri Väisänen240,000120Kristaps Zarans205,000103Victor Prior Fernandez Amat200,000100Algirdas Saveikis170,00085Pyry Kekalainen170,00085Julius Tiihonen160,00080Evy Albrigtsen130,00065Daragh Davey103,00052
Day 2 Photos by Elena Kask September 16, 2022
Break Time September 16, 2022
Players are on their second break of Day 2. The T.V. table will be swapped with Table 10 during the break with WSOP bracelet winner Vincas Tamasauskas holding onto a…
Vinicenka Off to Broadway September 16, 2022
Level 11: 800/1,600 (1,600)Entries: 104/328 Tuomas Röppänen checked with about 25,000 in the pot and the J 10 Q 2 4 on the board. Stanislovas Vinicenka bet 18,300 and Röppänen…
Herold Wins Big with Ladies September 16, 2022
Level 11: 800/1,600 (1,600)Entries: 115/328 Pyry Kekalainen opened for 3,500 from under the gun. Laurynas Cerniauskas three-bet shoved for 40,000 from one seat over and Toomas Hunt cold-called from the…
39 Players Paid; €64,280 Top Prize September 16, 2022
Payouts have been announced for the Kings of Tallinn Main Event. A total of 328 entries generated a huge €308,320 prize pool. The top 39 players are scheduled to earn…
Duce Doubles with a Set of Snowmen September 16, 2022
Level 11: 800/1,600 (1,600)Entries: 125/328 Zachary Duce three-bet jammed from middle position for about 10 big blinds and was called by Niklas Vakkuri. Zachary Duce: 8 8 Niklas Vakkuri: A…
Ladies Kind for Reimaa September 16, 2022
Level 11: 800/1,600 (1,600)Entries: 126/328 Sven Reimaa had his stack of 75,000 in the pot and was up against Jari Mahonen in a flip for a nearly 100 big blind…
Team Competition Update September 16, 2022
The Team Challenge has just been updated for all events completed from yesterday or earlier. Both ‘Timon Pojat’ and ‘Black hill Pedro’s’ are sitting above 70 points with ‘Rex Populi’…
Aces-Full for Garrido to Oust Morel September 16, 2022
Level 10: 600/1,200 (1,200)Entries: 133/328 Ignacio Garrido opened for 2,600 from under the gun. Marius Morel three-bet shoved for about 25,000 from one seat over and Garrido called. Marius Morel:…
Field Building Nicely in the €350 OlyBet Deepstack September 16, 2022
The €350 OlyBet Deepstack is a two-day affair that kicked off at 1 p.m. There are already more than 100 entries with the field likely to continue to climb between…
Deuces Never Loses September 16, 2022
Level 10: 600/1,200 (1,200)Entries: 133/328 Marko Liblik opened for 2,500 and was called by Rasmus Sepping. Kristopher Kuusk jammed for 14,700 and Liblik snap-folded. “How much?” asked Sepping. Sepping didn’t…
“Nobody Would Believe it” September 16, 2022
Level 10: 600/1,200 (1,200)Entries: 144/328 Edgars Beizaks just hit what anyone would describe as a massive cooler moments after late registration ended. The hand began with Beizaks opening for a…
Late Registration Concludes September 16, 2022
Level 10: 600/1,200 (1,200)Entries: 149/328 Late registration is closed for the Main Event. The unofficial tally is 328 entries for a €308,320 prize pool. We will confirm these figures later…
First Break September 16, 2022
Players are on their first break of Day 2. Late registration will close after the break is concluded.