How to Beat Zoom Poker on PokerStars | 5-Minute Zoom Crash Course

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Chances are you’ve seen Zoom Poker in the PokerStars lobby.
Looks good, doesn’t it?
Below is a guide to getting started in Zoom Poker including some background information and basic strategy tips.
Follow these guidelines and you’ll be crushing Zoom Poker games in no time!
What is Zoom Poker?
PokerStars’ Zoom Poker is a high-action online poker variant similar to the old Rush Poker on Full Tilt Poker and various others at competing online poker sites..
The basic premise is simple: Fold your hand and immediately get a new one at a new table with new players.
If you hit the fast-fold button you can even fold before the action is on you and get reseated even quicker! It’s essentially poker for adrenaline junkies as the action never stops.
If you’ve ever 8-tabled online poker or played multi-tasking video games like Starcraft there’s a good chance you’ll enjoy the speed of Zoom Poker.
What’s Good About Zoom Poker (Hint: Volume)
Zoom Poker is a godsend for any ADD-riddled poker player who simply needs more action.
It’s also very good for generating massive amounts of reward points for the PokerStars rewards program.
You can triple or even quadruple the amount of hands you can play in an hour quite easily with Zoom Poker.
Is Zoom Poker Real Poker?
This remains a contentious issue as Zoom Poker is lacking one major aspect of regular poker – the chance to develop a read on a player.
Because you’re always moving to another table you’ll constantly be playing against opponents you know nothing about.
It gives the game a much more robotic feel.
It also means that math plays heavier into the game as well as the ability to develop quick reads on virtually unknown opponents.
Zoom Poker also discourages seasoned grinders from hunting inexperienced players because they are constantly being moved.
Some Quick Tips for Playing Zoom Poker
- Tight tends to be right in Zoom Poker. No one can tell how tight you’re playing so it’s possible to fold every hand unti you get aces and stack someone who has AK.
- Speaking of AK, be careful with it. It’s far weaker in Zoom Poker than in a normal game.
- You can watch the end of a hand by holding the CNTRL key when you click the fold button (That’s the command button on Macs).
- There are several different Zoom table animations. Some feel faster than others. You can find these by clicking ‘Options’ > ‘Table Display Options’ > ‘Zoom Animation’. We like ‘Flip’ a lot but default ‘Fade’ still seems fastest
- Play fewer tables with Zoom Poker (It’s freaking fast!)
- Be mindful of your blinds as you’ll pay more of them
- The big blind is the only player who doesn’t have the option of fast folding. Expect a wider-range of starting hands.
- Each Zoom Poker game or tournament has hundreds of players. You can open multiple tables in the same game.
- Be prepared for massive swings as you’ll being playing a massive number of hands
- You’ll see a fair amount of min-bets from late position as people attempt to steal a pot off the players who have already fast folded.
- Quite often you’ll run into deep stacks with 100+ big blinds behind. Check this article on NLHE Deep Stack strategy.
What’s the Best Strategy for Zoom Poker?
So what’s the correct strategy for winning at Zoom (aka “Fast Fold”) Poker? The biggest change to the game by far is that you instantly change tables when you fold your hand. Meaning you never have history with your opponents.
Each hand is at a new table with new opponents. You don’t know who the fish are and you don’t know who the regulars are. Everyone’s just a blank face. Because you can’t develop reads through playing multiple hands with the same opponent you have to treat each opponent the same. But that works both ways.
Since you can’t develop reads on your opponents, they can’t develop reads on you. In Zoom Poker you don’t have to worry about levelling, balancing your range or anything like that because your history with your opponents is going to be minimal.
How Should I Play Zoom Poker?
In small-stakes poker the bulk of your profits come from fish. Even if you’re the best small-stakes player in the world and you regularly own other reg’s souls, the majority of your profit is still going to come from playing the fish.
Unfortunately in Zoom Poker you may not know who the fish are and who the regs are until after the hand’s over. And by then it’s too late.
So the best way to play is a basic ABC poker game. In fact you can play even tighter than you would normally because your opponents are never going to notice and never going to be able to adjust.
When you’re moved to a new table it’s a clean slate. They have no idea that you just hit quick fold 20 times in a row and are now cold four-betting AA from the blinds.
They’re just thinking, “Wow, I’ve got AK. I’m supposed to felt AK.” And they call it off, drawing nearly dead and chalk it up to a cooler. Just like when you first started playing poker, tight is right. The mantra is especially true for Zoom Poker.
Wait for big pairs, AKs, set mine, make top pair or better and value-bet relentlessly.
Related Reading:
How to Make Money in Zoom Poker
Of course the whole game is changed by the fold and quick-fold buttons. Players don’t have to wait around for a great hand. They can just fold their junk and move on to a new table and a new hand.
That means your average player’s range is going to be significantly tighter. The fish are going to be fish and do what they always do: play strange hands and take them way too far after the flop. But the regulars are going to be playing a much tighter range.
Example: You open-raise to 2.5 big blinds with K Q in late position and get called by the cutoff. On an unconnected flop where you hold two overcards, c-betting will often take the pot down immediately because your opponent’s range is generally tighter in Zoom. However, always pay attention to stack sizes: if the cutoff starts reraising aggressively, it might signal big pairs or a strong draw, given he chose not to fast-fold. It’s because of the quick-fold button. If you’re sitting with 6-8o in the small blind, are you going to wait around and see if you get the chance for a Blind vs. Bling steal? No, you’re going to hit quick fold and move on to another table.
So when you raise from under the gun and get called in the small blind you have to realize that that player had the chance to quick-fold and get a new hand at a new table but didn’t.
He waited around to play against you. Either he’s a fish or he has a pretty damn good hand. Because he didn’t choose to quick-fold you can already start assigning him a range.
It looks something like JJ-22, AQ and maybe AJs. Anything else is definitely too wide vs. a UTG raise. From there, as the hand plays out, you do what you always do. Start narrowing his range down until you have a good idea of his actual holdings.
Further Reading:
What to Do in the Big Blind
The big blind is the only position where you can’t insta hit quick-fold. That’s because you have the big blind invested already. You have to wait until there is a raise before you can quick-fold.
Meaning that the above is not as true for the big blind in unraised pots. He didn’t have the opportunity to quick-fold his hand, so if it’s folded to you on the button or in the small blind and you raise, when he calls it doesn’t mean his range is necessarily tighter.
For that reason, as of now, the majority of “light three-betting” comes from the big blind. Because any other position wouldn’t wait around until their turn to three-bet some trash hand, they’d just fold and move on.
The big blind doesn’t have that chance so he gets mad and three-bets those steal raises far more than he would from the small blind.
Obviously not every player plays the big blind like this, but it’s something to be cognizant of.
Related Reading:
No Need to Play Marginal Hands!
Like in any form of poker the difference between shorthanded and full ring is very real, only in Zoom Poker it’s absolutely huge.
A six-max Zoom game plays only slightly different than a regular six-max game. With so few players and everyone playing so fast, you often can’t even hit quick-fold before the action is on you.
While everyone’s early position ranges tighten up, the late position raises remain wide.
In full-ring the tightness is extremely magnified. Why even bother calling a raise with ATo when you can just insta-fold and get a new hand? There’s no reason. Ranges are, or at least should be, tighter across the board.
There’s just no need to be involved with marginal hands!
3 Major Upsides of Fast Fold Poker
Fast Fold Poker = More Hands Per Hour
In a regular online Texas Hold’em game you’re lucky to be dealt 80-90 hands per hour. Compare that to the 30 you get in a casino and you’re laughing.
But in Zoom Poker you can be dealt over 250 hands per hour depending on how fast you click! With more hands per hour comes more good hands and more hands where you can exploit your edge.
Furthermore, with more hands comes more bonuses and, if you get it from a site like partypoker, rakeback. Which for many players is a very high percentage of their total winnings.
Fast Fold Poker Evens the Playing Field
You’re moved to a new table with new opponents every time you fold your hand. Playing a different opponent each hand makes it extremely difficult for your opponents to get a read on you.
You can use that as an advantage any way you like. If you only want to play aces and kings your opponents probably won’t catch on. If you want to three-bet every single button and small blind, same deal.
Fast Fold Poker evens the playing field and takes out the read and tells aspects of the game, which you can use it to your advantage.
Fast Fold Poker is REALLY Fun
The biggest advantage to Zoom Poker is that it’s action-packed and fun. It makes grinding less of a chore and the fun factor helps bring more fish into the game. More hands vs. fish is a good thing. The only problem is that it’s sometimes difficult to spot the fish until it’s too late.
3 Downsides to Fast Fold Poker
No History
This one’s a pro and a con. It’s a negative because as a good player you should be formulating reads. You should be observing your opponents and figuring out how they play and then using that information against them. When you change tables after every single hand it’s impossible to truly understand how your opponent plays. You have to treat everyone the same and make ABC, generalized, decisions against everybody.
If you’re a better player than your opponents Zoom Poker forces you to give up a percentage of your edge.
Tilt Factor Goes Up
Because you’re playing so many more hands per hour you’re also dealt more bad beats and coolers than you would in a typical poker session. Add in the fact that players are often turbo-folding waiting for aces and kings, and coolers happen seemingly all the time. If you can’t control the emotional side of your game and are susceptible to tilt you may have problems with Zoom Poker – it’s even easier to tilt when you can play 1,000 hands per hour on four tables!
It Can Stunt Your Poker Growth
Maybe the biggest disadvantage to Zoom Poker is the fact that it can stunt your growth as a poker player. If you’re happy grinding and winning a little and making a decent earn at $1/$2, then Zoom Poker is great. To succeed in poker’s middle stakes and beyond you have to develop reads and use your reads against your opponents. Zoom Poker teaches you to treat all of your opponents as equals. If you try and treat everyone the same at medium stakes and above you’re going to bust your roll pretty fast.
Example: You have A K under the gun and raise to 3 big blinds. Two players behind you fold instantly, but the big blind calls. You notice he has more than 200 big blinds in his stack. Postflop, he check-raises you on a ragged board. In a normal table environment, you might have some reads if this player often check-raises draws or sets. In Zoom, however, you have little history and must rely on raw equity calculations and position. This can force tough decisions when stack sizes become large.

Additional Strategies for Zoom Poker
Zoom Poker has evolved alongside the rest of the online poker ecosystem, and many experienced players now integrate solver-based considerations, even at lower stakes. While you may still crush games with a fundamentally tight approach, exploring new strategies can improve your consistency and help you handle more complex situations.
One key factor is recognizing that many regs are not just playing ABC poker. Some are merging ranges, experimenting with unconventional lines, or attempting balanced three-bet and four-bet strategies far more often than they might in a standard format. Understanding how to respond when you suddenly face multi-street aggression from an opponent you’ve only played one or two hands against can drastically increase your profits. Also keep in mind that short- and mid-stack strategies have become popular in Zoom due to the fast nature of the game, where players cycle through hands to find their favorite spots.
Incorporating Solver-Based Approaches
Modern poker theory and solvers have introduced concepts like GTO (Game Theory Optimal) ranges, multiple bet sizings, and balanced frequencies. While absolute GTO play is rarely required at lower stakes Zoom, a solver-based approach can still help you build robust preflop ranges and logical postflop strategies. For instance, if you are out of position and face a late-position raise, referencing solver-approved ranges for three-betting can prevent you from losing value with strong hands or overextending with marginal holdings. Balancing your c-bets on coordinated flops is another area where solver insights can help. Even though player reads are harder to establish in Zoom, you can rely on theoretically sound lines that perform well against unknown opponents.
In addition, it helps to re-evaluate your game selection and table usage. Many experienced players sit with shorter stacks and aim to implement a push-fold or three-bet shove strategy in certain spots. If you’re not aware of these short-stack strategies, you might be caught off guard when players decide to reshove over your open-raises. Using solver-inspired analysis, you can fine-tune your calling ranges and ensure you’re not folding away too much equity or calling off with hands that fail to stand up well under pressure.
What is Zoom Poker?
Zoom Poker is a fast-fold variation where you move to a new table and get new hole cards immediately after folding. It eliminates extended reads on your opponents because each hand is played against new players.
Why should I play a tight strategy in Zoom Poker?
Because you keep changing tables, no one notices if you only play strong hands. A tighter range also reduces complicated decisions and capitalizes on opponents who call off with hands like Ace-King when you have Aces or Kings.
How does the quick-fold button affect hand ranges?
It allows players to ditch weak hands immediately, making preflop ranges much tighter. When someone doesn’t fold quickly and stays in the pot, you can assume they’re holding stronger starting cards unless they’re a less-experienced player.
Does solver-based strategy matter in a fast-fold format?
Yes. While ABC poker works well at low stakes, integrating solver-approved ranges and balanced postflop play can help you adapt to more skilled opponents who also use advanced strategies in Zoom.
How should I adjust to frequent aggression from the big blind in Zoom Poker?
The big blind cannot fast-fold preflop and thus may three-bet wider as a bluff. Recognize that some players will exploit this spot. Use hand-reading skills and proper bet sizing to determine when a big blind reraise represents strength or a light move.
Is Zoom Poker ideal for improving long-term skills?
It can boost your volume and help practice basic concepts, but it may stunt deeper growth because you lose the chance to develop reads and exploit opponents over multiple hands. For advanced progress, mix in standard tables where you can gather more information on specific players.
Can a short-stack approach be profitable in Zoom Poker?
Many players do short-stack in Zoom to reduce variance and quickly jam strong holdings. This approach can be profitable if executed with well-researched ranges. Familiarizing yourself with push-fold strategies is critical when faced with frequent all-in confrontations.
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User Comments
Can you leave the game anytime and collect the winnings or do you have to knock everyone out?
In a Zoom cash game you can leave at any time
i start to wonder if online poker is really poker. buying hand histories? getting a program to tell you an opponents range? learn how to think for yourself or your ceiling will be very low
– If u get a 3-bet postflop you nearly always are beat with less than a set.
– Donk flop check turn is often a try to steal the pot in hope of fast-folding.
– Draws are generally played passive. So be careful although you have a set and a draw appears on the river.
– Don’t bluff turn or river at the micros -> Villians have a fold problem cause they only see their own hand.
– LAG players often have a big stack. They are 3-betting much pre-flop and nearly always make their c-bet, but can give up their hand on turn if you take the initiative.
– Don’t c-bet vs. more than 1 player if u don’t have a value hand. Somebody will call you.
– Bluff inducing is very important cause your opponents just think that you are weak if u check and don’t have a history of you and don’t know you are able to check-raise.
– Don’t get active with weak hands, cause people will only call you with stronger ones.
– Many opponents are waiting for KK or better until they play. So be careful with very strong pockets too. Sometimes you can fold KK preflop.
Good article.
Few tips of my own:
Colour code players who are running 4 tables, you can check this from menu. These will often fold the blinds to a late raise and avoid complications.
Colour code players who call with weak hands. Use instant hand history to check results of certain hands. People calling a raise with ace small or small pairs to a single raise for example
Play tight generally but mix things up a bit— on the button, or one off, raise with any two cards now and again. If the blinds call and check into you bluff at any ace\king on the flop.
You can also raise with small pairs in early position and lead out if you only get one or two callers on an ace flop. Many people call with pairs incorrectly hoping to hit a set.
Much easier to fold at Zoom, like the article says don’t chase AK to the river.
I like to play at the standard 100BB. Playing with a small stack I get raised more when attacking the blinds. It causes more variance.
There are many short stacks and impatient players in Zoom. It is better to play these people postflop.
Play 1-2 tables until you can beat them.
Don’t min raise or limp, too easy to get 3 bet. 3-4 BB.
Colour code the players who put all their stack in preflop.
Can’t recommend deep stack play in Zoom, there are gamblers who want to martingale any big stack as soon as they can.
Small blind steal only with an ace or king x.